Kickin' Things Up A Notch - Augmentations
Quest Giver: McKenzie the Younger 
Requirements: None
Request Phrase: Hail McKenzie the Younger
Time Limit: Unlimited
Task Type: Solo
Repeatable: No
Task Steps:
- Talk to McKenzie the Younger and learn about augmentations. 0/1 (The Mines of Gloomingdeep) More Info
- Return to McKenzie the Younger once you have augmented and reequipped your weapon. 0/1 (The Mines of Gloomingdeep) More Info
Talk to McKenzie the Younger and learn about augmentations. 0/1 (The Mines of Gloomingdeep)
- Hail McKenzie the Younger and say 'listenin'
Return to McKenzie the Younger once you have augmented and reequipped your weapon. 0/1 (The Mines of Gloomingdeep)
- Open your inventory and hold alt + left click your weapon, this will open your weapon inspect window, with the Augment on your cursor click on the slot next to Slot 1 on the item window, this will Augment your weapon, afterwards Hail McKenzie the Younger
- Giver: McKenzie the Younger

- Request Phrase: Hail McKenzie the Younger

- Talk to McKenzie the Younger and learn about augmentations. 0/1 (The Mines of Gloomingdeep)
- Hail McKenzie the Younger and say 'listenin'
- Return to McKenzie the Younger once you have augmented and reequipped your weapon. 0/1 (The Mines of Gloomingdeep)
- Open your inventory and hold alt + left click your weapon, this will open your weapon inspect window, with the Augment on your cursor click on the slot next to Slot 1 on the item window, this will Augment your weapon, afterwards Hail McKenzie the Younger